Image showing an employee setting up a payroll deduction donation to support a charitable cause.

Employee Payroll Deduction Donation

Employee payroll deduction donations refer to a system where employees have a portion of their salary automatically deducted and contributed to a cause or charitable organization. 

  • Employee payroll deduction donations at Chhaya Foundation refer to the practice of allowing employees to donate a portion of their salary or wages to Chhaya Foundation through payroll deductions. Employees can choose the amount they wish to donate and the frequency of their donation.

  • The donation is then deducted from the employee's pay on a regular basis, usually on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. This allows employees to make regular, recurring donations without having to remember to do so or to write a check. Employers may also match employee donations to Chhaya Foundation.

  • Employee payroll deduction donations at Chhaya Foundation can be a convenient and easy way for employees to give back and support the important work of Chhaya Foundation in their community.

Benefits of making Employee Payroll Deductions Donation


Employee giving through payroll deductions simplifies regular charitable contributions, as the donations are automatically deducted from employees' paychecks.

Employee Engagement

Payroll deduction programs boost employee engagement by promoting charitable giving aligned with personal values.

Tax Benefits

Employee giving or payroll deduction donations can provide tax benefits, as they can be used to reduce an employee's taxable income.

Positive Public Relations

Employee giving enhances a company's public image, showcasing commitment to community impact.

Support A Cause

Employee giving empowers individuals to support a chosen cause, channeling funds for a tangible impact on the Chhaya Foundation's specific initiatives.

Community Impact

Employee giving through payroll deductions significantly impacts Chhaya Foundation, supporting its Vision and Mission for a life-changing difference.

  • Overall, employee giving or payroll deduction donations can provide a number of benefits for both the employee making the donation, the company , and the Chhaya Foundation. It can provide convenience, tax benefits, support a specific cause, employee engagement, positive public relations, and community impact. 

  • Additionally, it can be a way for companies and organizations to promote social responsibility among their employees and make a positive impact in the community.