Training & Education

From professional development to life skills, we provide resources and support to help individuals reach their full potential

  • Training and education services offered by the Chhaya Foundation are designed to provide professionals, such as teachers and first responders, with the knowledge and skills they need to recognize and respond to signs of Missing, Mental health, suicidal tendencies. The training and education programs are designed to be interactive and engaging, and to provide participants with hands-on learning opportunities. The training and education services are designed to help professionals understand the unique challenges faced by individuals and families affected by a missing person case and to provide them with the tools and resources they need to provide effective support and assistance.
  • The training and education services may include workshops, seminars, and online courses that cover topics such as recognizing and responding to signs of a missing person case, providing emotional support and guidance to affected individuals and families and understanding the legal and financial assistance available to affected families.
  • In addition to providing training and education to professionals, the Chhaya Foundation also provides education and awareness programs to the general public. These programs are designed to educate the public about various cases and to provide them with the information and resources they need to recognize and respond to signs of a missing and Mental health related cases.
  • Overall, the training and education services provided by the Chhaya Foundation are designed to empower professionals and the general public to be better equipped in recognizing and respond, and to provide necessary support and assistance to affected individuals and families.

  • Developing and delivering training and education programs for professionals, such as teachers and first responders, to help them recognize and respond to signs of missing,mental health and various other cases.

  • Creating interactive and engaging training and education programs that provide participants with hands-on learning opportunities.

  • Offering workshops, seminars, and online courses that cover topics such as recognizing and responding and providing emotional support and guidance to affected individuals and families and understanding the legal and financial assistance available to families.

  • Developing and delivering education and awareness programs for the general public to educate them and to provide them with the information and resources they need to recognize and respond to signs of a missing person case.

  • Partnering with other organizations and agencies to ensure that professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective support and assistance to affected individuals and families.

  • Maintaining records of training and Education program attendance and program.

  • Continuously monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training and education programs and adjusting as necessary.

  • Providing regular updates to families and loved ones of missing person cases on available training and education services and Offering virtual and in-person training options.

  • Continuously updating and expanding the training and education materials to ensure they are relevant and up to date.