Image illustrating a recurring donation setup, showing automated monthly contributions to support a cause or organization over time.

Recurring Donation

Recurring donations involve regular, scheduled donations Providing sustained, long-term contributions to a cause or organization on an ongoing basis.

  • Recurring donation is a type of donation where a donor agrees to make regular contributions to  Chhaya Foundation on a specified schedule, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually. These donations can be made through automatic bank transfers, credit or debit card payments, or other forms of electronic payment. Recurring donations provide a consistent source of funding for an organization, allowing it to plan and budget more effectively.
  • For the donors, recurring donations are a convenient way to make a difference by supporting us on a regular basis. You can also choose the amount and frequency of Your donation and can make changes or cancel their donation at any time. 
  • For Chhaya Foundation, it provides a steady stream of funding, which allows us to better plan the programs and budget our expenses. For the donor, it's a way of supporting a cause they care about without having to remember to donate every time. It's also an easy way to budget their donations and spread it over a certain period.

Benefits of making a Recurring Donation 

Consistent support for the Chhaya Foundation.

The ability to spread out the cost of your donation over a longer period.
The option to set up automatic payments, so you don't have to remember to donate each month.
Contribute smaller amounts regularly, fitting into their budget more easily
Recurring Donations often have a bigger impact on the organization than one time donation because it helps them to plan better and budgeting for the long term.
Demonstrate a strong commitment to the organization's mission, enhancing its credibility and attracting more support.

Chhaya offer the option to cancel or adjust your recurring donation at any time, giving you the flexibility to increase, decrease or stop your donation as your circumstances change.